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Community / support / ZIP download fails silently (Android) - 20000 files
I received no errors when downloading media synced directory to zip files,the mission didn't start nothing happen there, all about cloudflare R2.
I assume that your media files are successfully uploaded to Cloudflare R2, is that correct? Can you try downloading single media files (without using ZIP) and see if you can download it without issues? Is that Android, Windows or Web? (edited)
12:50 PM
single file download success ,
12:51 PM
Automatic upload directory download to zip have no information no errors and not to start at alll
Thanks for the info. What's the size of individual files that you try to compress? How many of them? What's the total size?
Tom changed the channel name: ZIP download fails silently (Android) 6/4/2024 7:40 AM
20000 pics and videos there uploaded by automatic Media sync function
4:04 PM
I mean I have to download it all ,then will generate a zip file downloaded automatically to my device ,but nothing happened after click download to zip buttom. sorry to hear that,
4:05 PM
version 1.8.9 Android Apps Android 13 device
Tom changed the channel name: ZIP download fails silently (Android) - 20000 files 6/4/2024 4:45 PM
We haven't optimized an app for such a huge ZIP archive, so it's likely memory crashing. If you want to download 20k media files reliably, then you can use Sync feature, select the Remote source and then and choose destination as local folder on Android, this should handle it. (edited)
This size is more than 30GB include videos ,u mean just use sync function from remote to local than we can download tmthis actually ?
I am not sure what's your goal really. If you want to restore media that you've backed up and subsequently removed from your device then Sync (with mode: Copy) is probably a good way forward.
I mean I see some wrong E2E encryption password ,so I have to Transfer my files then reset again.finally I got this error.
I see, in such case Sync (with mode: Copy) is still probably good choice. Regarding E2E encryption password, we'll aim to improve that in the future, but it's challenging givent current cipher scheme limitation:
We're running S3Drive (GUI for S3 on desktop, mobile, web) and recently aligned with Rclone's encryption scheme for better interoperability and features like drive mount and Webdav that we ...
I did set up the 6 number password ,but it's been changed into something more than20 numbers password when I open s3drive R2 service after a long time... I just don't know what happened there
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